Wednesday, May 18

What gives me a high?


No, just kidding.

My friend and I just happened to discuss about what in life gave us a high. And surprisingly, it was the smallest of things which made me the happiest on a given day.

Taking a walk in the first rains. Catching up with notorious old school friends. Cycling around the lakeside. Eating a hot and spicy vada pav to passify the growling voices of your empty stomach. Running all the way down the platform for the usual train, knowing you'll miss it, but then catching it. Painting your nails with the right shade of nailpaint, after trying out a dozen others. Shopping for new clothes. Giving away the one piece of food you really wanted to eat to a poor little kid who probably didn't eat all day. Watching a classy movie, with popcorn et al. Shouting crazy slogans while walking down a trek to startle fellas on the roadside.(Yes, we've screamed humari maange poori karo!) Dancing to the latest hot favourite song in the confines of your own room, only for yourself. Living in horrible anxiety till the result day, and ultimately knowing that you've done superbly. Meeting new people as weird as you. Playing with your kid cousins and letting them win. Devouring good food before it is served. Being asked about how your day was every single happy, exciting, disastrous, terrible and mundane day by someone who cares.

That was just a mini list of the things which make me happy. Hey, what about you?


  1. 1. Finally eating something you crave (it can be a five bucks ice candy too)
    2. Sitting by the window of a bus/car/train and letting the breeze blow on ur face and hair...
    3. Talking like a kid/purposely using bad language sometimes
    4. Getting that smile on the face of someone who is sad/angry
    5. The joy of discovering some small new thing; like new emoticons, a new salon, or a nice sitcom :)
    The list is endless really...

  2. Its' still alcohol for me you know!
    and the bike ride of course

  3. :D

    Photography, ogling at hot chicks and getting them to smile back at you, finding an interesting co passenger, remembering a dream when you wake up....too many to write down.

  4. @Saini..I agree with all of them!

    @Kapil..Yeah, you telling me your dreams half asleep gives me a deadly high :P

    @Tarun..:P Drunkyaa
