Wednesday, June 8

Murphy's Frikking Law

Have you found yourself bogged down by every traffic signal?
Do you feel the queue adjacent to yours moves faster, almost always?
Do you wonder why the train you want to catch when you're on time is late and when you're late, just sticks to schedule?
Have you found the internet to disconnect at the time the most interesting conversation possible is happening?
What about the times you've really loved food at a restaurant and the one time you recommended it to someone else, the food sucked?
Do you agree that it rains the most when you're least prepared with rain gear?
Do you find holidays passing by in a jiffy while exams stretching on for eternity?
How many times have you reached early and your boss hasn't taken notice, while the one time you've reached late, you've gotten an absent mark/half day?
Have you given in to a movie's general public review which is awesome, and expected it to be great, but ended up disappointed?
Do you find the washroom always occupied when the urgency to pee is the greatest?
Have you spent days when you are jobless without attending a single call, and received a million calls when you're busy?
So much for Murphy's frikkin law..

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