Wednesday, July 20

The Pursuit of Happyness

I just got a new phone. All my gizmo freak friends told me I should try out a smart phone.  It hadn’t been two days since I bought it yet and the next Extra Smart mobile phone-cum-Camera-cum-Computer-cum-mixer-cum-grinder-cum-whatever you could think of, hits the stores.
As a matter of fact, I decided to buy myself the latest hip hugging jeans also. Turns out, bell bottoms had come back to fashion and those really awesome pair of jeans I’d just bought were to remain untouched. I lost weight then, so hip hugging jeans were a little bit of a joke.
I joined the college I always wanted to be a part of. Suddenly I realized the professors couldn’t teach for nuts and the crowd wasn’t all that cool to hang out with.
I also happened to go to this movie I wanted to see in a long time. Why was the end so disappointing then?
I wasted dinner at home because I wanted to have a pizza and all that my mom had to offer was Palak ki sabzi.
Just about then, my phone conked off. That made me realize how handy it was. I put on the loose pair of jeans with an awesome belt and went to the best college in the world. My mom wasn’t well herself. So I cooked her favourite meal and observed how happily she had it.               
I had actually forgotten to savour the little stuff in life. The next time I hear about a super intelligent new phone, I’m going to show off my ancient wonder. I’m going to wear what suits me best irrespective of the latest trends. I’m going to eat whatever is made for me because, you never know, it may be the healthiest. But the movie just sucked. Period.


  1. The ancient mobile thing is just WRITTEN FOR ME more than anyone else on this earth !
